Awareness of Students’ Learning Styles: A Guide in Modifying our Delivery Techniques


I am sometimes wondering why we learn differently and on the level of understanding on a certain subject matter also differs. Others like role playing and demonstrations while others prefer discussions to fully understand a topic. This might be partly caused by our differences in learning styles. Knowing our learning styles can help us optimize our learning by employing the appropriate style when we want to study or learn something. Also when we are aware of our styles then we come to realize our weaknesses in learning.

I took the test on learning styles from the site, and the result indicates that, I am more of a Logical Mathematical, Intrapersonal and Naturalistic Learner. These are the top three among the various learning styles. This might be because of my background in Mathematics and Engineering or I have developed these learning styles during the course of my studies.

Several theorists and academicians have proposed several theories on learning styles. The ideas of Kolb on learning, wherein there are four modes namely: feeling, thinking, doing and watching has caught on my interest. I will try to integrate these four modes in the methodologies and techniques in handling my classes.   Gardner’s Theory of Multiple Intelligences also has impact on my belief and I come to realize that we must not belittle other students because of poor academic performance in some subjects since they might excel in other areas. Instead we must guide them where they can excel and perform better.

One mistake that I have committed in teaching is frequently using my own learning style for my students to learn. I often employ methodologies that fit my learning style. I would like to apologize to my former students for focusing on discussion-lecture and demonstration method.  Now is the time to change and be more innovative on my way of teaching by taking into account the learning styles of my students. Next semester, I intend to ascertain the learning styles of my students by letting them take online tests that determine their learning style profile. The result will serve as benchmark in designing the syllabus for the course that I will be handling and that the techniques that I will be using will run parallel to the learning style of my students to optimize the teaching-learning process.

Research: An Essential Field that a Teacher Must Engage


            In a teacher’s everyday experience in the academic setting, he/she is confronted with everyday problems, thoughts and ideas on certain issues and enormous amount of data to deal with. One way to find out root causes and possible solutions of some problems is through the conduct of research.

The conduct of research allows teachers to have an objective evaluation of some learning conditions and issues. With first-hand experience and information, the teacher knows the problems and craft solutions to existing conditions. As a teacher in the tertiary level and as part of the quadric-fold program of the university where I am employed which are instruction, research, extension and production, I have conducted correlation and descriptive studies. However, in terms of quantity I still lack the numbers and publications in refereed journals. My interest now lies on experimental research and on the topics such as comparison of the effectiveness of the Worktext/Module I am currently developing and the conventional approach of providing instruction. I intend to determine its effectiveness using a control and experimental group and then compare their mean gain scores if there is indeed a significant difference in the performance of the experimental and control group.

In my own experience, one difficulty that teachers are encountering in the field of research is the time constraint. With teaching load of 21 units or more, teachers have difficulty squeezing in more time for this endeavor not to mention quasi-assignments and other functions. One possible solution is an additional load is credited if a teacher conducts research, however in practice the total workload (teaching, quasi-assignment, research, etc.) even exceeds what is allowed due to the lack of teachers to handle the courses. Another is budgetary requirement, where there is meager financial support for faculty researches especially if the institution does not have linkages however one may seek support from the Commission on Higher Education, DOST or other government agencies.

The conduct of research is self-fulfilling and is beneficial both on the part of the teacher and to the learners. Fresh ideas and concepts are generated which might help in the solutions of problems in the classroom setting and in learning in general. Hence, teachers must be encouraged to conduct researches within their scope of work.

My Perspectives on Learning


Learning is a very complex process that involves many activities and entities. The primary objective of it is the modification of skills, attitude and behavior. Mere transfer of knowledge is not learning, instead application of the knowledge gained is learning. Learning involves modification of the behavior of an individual to fit the norms of the society he/she belongs. 

As a learner I believe that learning is not perfection. It involves being wrong at some point in time and then doing corrective actions. From our mistakes, we learn and collectively it is the experience that teaches us the most. From these experiences, we become better individuals and citizens and adapt to the society.

Metaphor-wise, learning is a closed loop control system which is composed of input, output and a feedback loop. The output refers to the learning outcome which is the change in behavior, skills and values of the learner and that the input, which controls the output are the activities, the curriculum and other learning parameters while the feedback loop is the sample of the responses of the learner (evaluation of the output) which will eventually adjust or fine tune the inputs to attain a more desired output. All of these are managed by the teacher.

As agents of learning, teachers must continuously innovate the contents, the delivery and including themselves as a person. Teachers play very vital roles in the learning process in an academic setting. They are perceived to play roles such as facilitator, guide, counselor and second parent to the learners. They are burdened with responsibilities to develop the learner holistically.

Learning theories exist that can serve as a guide to the teacher in the teaching-learning process. Understanding of the learning theories can provide many benefits on the part of the teacher to effectively manage the learning process.  

Point to ponder: Is it not timely to develop theories suitable for the changing learners and changing environment in this digital age?

Desire to Learn Doesn’t Matters the Most in Learning?

Currently, I am intrigued and reflecting on the discussions of Dr. Chew concerning student interest and desire to learn. My fellow learners according to their forum posts are perplexed on some factors as crossed out by Dr. Chew.  I believe it is equally important that students should possess a strong desire to learn and that they should have interest on a specific topic to fully understand it.  I agree, though that deep processing is a very important factor in learning, Hopefully after reflecting and reading the posts of fellow learners, I will be enlightened on this.

Metacognition, Self-regulation and Deep Processing: Keys to a Positive Learning Outcome

Metacognition is the self-awareness of our thinking as we perform various tasks and operations (Acero et al, 2000). Learning is a task that we perform not just in education but in everyday life as well. In our studies, in our jobs and at even at play we always exert effort to learn and excel on it. One tool that we can employ is metacognition. Through metacognition, we can assess ourselves of our level of thinking, understanding and knowledge for a specific topic or task. In this manner, we can push ourselves to exert extra effort to improve our understanding.

Self-regulated learning emphasizes autonomy and control by the individual who monitors, directs, and regulates actions toward goals of information acquisition, expanding expertise, and self-improvement (Paris and Paris 2001 as cited in Wikipedia). Self-regulation can lead to autonomy in our actions for the attainment of our goals such as education and learning. Self-control is very important in our success as there are many distractions and conflicts that may divert as away from our goals. On my part, I have taken the Self-regulation Questionnaire (Brown, Miller & Lawendowski, 1999) provided by Dr. Lou Juachon and I scored 243 however near the threshold of 239 which implies that I have intact regulation capacity. I tried my best to answer and rated myself with utmost honesty and that since my score is near the threshold level, I intend to improve myself towards self-regulation and that I have already realized its significance not only in learning but for the attainment of my goals in life.

Deep processing of the information we receive and read is also important in learning. Dr. Chew of Samford University stressed that deep processing is the most important factor in learning effectively among others such as motivation and interest. Deep processing for me involves several passings over an article or topic to gain better understanding. Rereading an article or a topic gives as deeper understanding since we might miss or not able to process the information the first time we come across it.  Just like in watching a movie, during the first time we view a movie, we miss or don’t give attention to some important details. However, when we view it again, the more that we understand the plot of the story. This is also true in the field of learning. And that this also congruent with the idea of Dr. Chew that learning is not fast and that it takes a lot of time and patience to be successful.

I believe that metacognition and self-regulation are intertwined together and can have significant impact on learning. Metacognition can lead to self-regulation to attain one’s goal in learning and in life. Self-assessment is very significant as a feedback mechanism for self-control. With the aid of deep processing of the information we receive through readings and discussions we will be able to learn more effectively.  My understanding of these three important variables in learning enables me to plan ahead as a learner in distance education and provides me a better idea as an agent of learning–being a teacher.


Paris, S., Paris, A. (2001). Classroom Applications of Research on Self-Regulated Learning.Educational Psychologist. 36 (2), 89-101.

Time Management: An Important Factor in the Academic Success of a Learner

Time management is very essential not only as a learner but in life in general. It allows us to live a balanced life-to have time for work, play and socialization. Oftentimes we are overwhelmed by tasks and responsibilities on-hand that we neglect other aspects of our lives and create burn-out and dissatisfaction. On the positive side, learning to practice and making it a habit leads to a happier life.

During my first week in my second term as a UPOU student, I struggled in my time management because of time constraints on several tasks at work because of my teaching load, quasi-assignment and committee chairmanship for the upcoming foundation anniversary of our institution next week. Several distractions on my to-do list are encountered and that life is full of surprises as they say. I took the test on time management and that I scored 56, which implies that I am still managing my time effectively. This somehow mirrors my honest responses on the items and on my general time management skill. Considering the result, I will further improve my time management skills.  During my first term, I can say that I spent my time wisely, despite the hectic schedules since I have passed the requirements on time. One technique that I used is planning which includes, creating a to-do list before the day starts and then allotting time for each task. Whenever distractions are encountered, I tried my best to adjust accordingly and reminisce on my priorities. This has been proven to be very effective for me. I commend our teacher, for Including Module 0: Tools for Academic Success, which tackles time management. Wouldn’t it be helpful if we also include this topic in our classes?

Being a distance learner, we must be equipped with time management skills and the motivation to learn which will drive us to achieve our goal of finishing our chosen programs and eventually for career growth and personal development.