Awareness of Students’ Learning Styles: A Guide in Modifying our Delivery Techniques


I am sometimes wondering why we learn differently and on the level of understanding on a certain subject matter also differs. Others like role playing and demonstrations while others prefer discussions to fully understand a topic. This might be partly caused by our differences in learning styles. Knowing our learning styles can help us optimize our learning by employing the appropriate style when we want to study or learn something. Also when we are aware of our styles then we come to realize our weaknesses in learning.

I took the test on learning styles from the site, and the result indicates that, I am more of a Logical Mathematical, Intrapersonal and Naturalistic Learner. These are the top three among the various learning styles. This might be because of my background in Mathematics and Engineering or I have developed these learning styles during the course of my studies.

Several theorists and academicians have proposed several theories on learning styles. The ideas of Kolb on learning, wherein there are four modes namely: feeling, thinking, doing and watching has caught on my interest. I will try to integrate these four modes in the methodologies and techniques in handling my classes.   Gardner’s Theory of Multiple Intelligences also has impact on my belief and I come to realize that we must not belittle other students because of poor academic performance in some subjects since they might excel in other areas. Instead we must guide them where they can excel and perform better.

One mistake that I have committed in teaching is frequently using my own learning style for my students to learn. I often employ methodologies that fit my learning style. I would like to apologize to my former students for focusing on discussion-lecture and demonstration method.  Now is the time to change and be more innovative on my way of teaching by taking into account the learning styles of my students. Next semester, I intend to ascertain the learning styles of my students by letting them take online tests that determine their learning style profile. The result will serve as benchmark in designing the syllabus for the course that I will be handling and that the techniques that I will be using will run parallel to the learning style of my students to optimize the teaching-learning process.

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